Video – Amy Murphy-Watts – Connecting to Mother Nature’s power through flower essences and dowsing. BSD Symposium 2023.


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Amy has been making flower essences for 12 years through Nature’s Wish. Through dowsing she intuitively selects the essences and communicates with the plants and trees. Amy was introduced to essences on the same day that a friend showed her how to pendulum dowse, since then the two processes have become inseparable and are an integral part of the essence making process.

In her talk Amy will be sharing her extensive knowledge of essences and their energetic qualities. Explaining how they can release the energetic ties that bind you, allowing you to be free, who you are meant to be. She will be demonstrating how dowsing can be used for this.

In her 12 years of being an essence producer, Amy has created a range of essences now sold globally and has also developed them into energy sprays and wellbeing products. Amy’s mission is to spread the word about flower essences and the powerful way in which they bring you back to yourself, to your soul path, to allow yourself to be the best that you can be. Nature’s power harnessed in a bottle.