Code of Ethics for members

The British Society of Dowsers supports, encourages and promotes dowsing and dowsers in a manner consistent with the highest standards of personal integrity and behaviour.
Many people who are dowsers or who learn to dowse, find the practice of dowsing to be of immense help and benefit in their personal and professional lives, and as their confidence grows may also offer their service as dowsers to the community at large.
The reputation and usefulness of dowsing depend on the public image of dowsing, and thus on the behaviour of dowsers. When we perform dowsing in public or when we dowse for other people, we represent not only ourselves but also the wider body of dowsers as a whole. It is important, therefore, that when engaged in dowsing activities, we maintain good standards of behaviour and practice. Essential elements of this are competence, good relationships with people for whom you may dowse, good relationships with other dowsers, and observance of ethical obligations.


  1. Dowsing Wisely
    In your dowsing generally, and when people seek your assistance as a dowser, keep your dowsing focussed on issues of genuine need. Recognise and work within the limits of your competence, and refer to another practitioner or other source if necessary.
  2. Dowsing with Respect
    Only dowse for information that concerns you personally or that lies within an area of public concern, unless you are asked or given permission by other people to dowse either for them personally or for groups or organisations of which they are members. Do not dowse for information about other people or their concerns without their permission, unless it is clearly in the interest of the highest common good to do so, and do not make unsolicited comments about other people or their concerns based on your dowsing.
    Always treat people requesting information about dowsing or who ask you to dowse politely and considerately. When dowsing for others, respect their views, their dignity and their privacy, and protect personal or confidential information of which you may become aware. Explain what you are doing, give your conclusions and advice in a manner that they can understand, and respect their right to consent to or to decline what you offer or advise.
    Make sure that your personal beliefs do not prejudice your interactions with other people when you are dowsing, or with the people for whom you dowse -you must not allow your views about anyone’s lifestyle, culture, belief, race, colour, gender, sexuality, age, social status or perceived economic worth to prejudice your dowsing.
  3. Trustworthy Dowsing
    Honest and trustworthy behaviour is expected from every dowser, and it is most important that you avoid abusing your position as a dowser.
    Be careful not to use your position as a dowser to create or establish improper relationships, either personal or financial. Never misuse privileged information that you may obtain through dowsing. If people seek your assistance as a dowser, be careful to use your dowsing only for their genuine benefit, give guidance and recommendations that you believe to be in their best interests, and share with them all relevant information that you may discover.
  4. Providing Information About Dowsing
    When providing information about dowsing, it must be factual and verifiable. Avoid sensational or misleading statements, and be mindful of the likely accuracy and completeness of your dowsing as well as of the effects that your information may have on other people as well as on public opinion generally. If dowsing for health or therapies of any kind, you must not offer guarantees of cures, nor exploit people’s vulnerability or lack of knowledge, nor put pressure on people to use a service, for example by arousing fear for their future health or well-being. You must not make claims about the comparative quality of your dowsing nor compare your abilities with those of other dowsers.
  5. Respecting Relationships With Other Dowsers
    Be open and fair with other dowsers, and be willing to consult with them. You must never discriminate unfairly against other dowsers, or allow your views of their lifestyle, culture, belief, race, colour, gender, sexuality, age, or social status to prejudice your relationship with them.
    You must not make anyone doubt another dowser’s knowledge or skills by making unnecessary or unsustainable comments about them.
  6. Financial & Commercial Dealings
    You must be honest in any financial and commercial matters relating to your dowsing practice. If you are receiving money for your dowsing you must inform people of all costs before you begin, and you must declare any personal commercial interest in goods or services that you recommend.
  7. Legal Issues
    You must observe any laws that affect your dowsing and obtain adequate insurance for any aspects of your dowsing practice that requires it.
  8. Teaching & Training
    The BSD encourages you to continually improve your dowsing knowledge and skills, to help the public to be aware of and understand dowsing, and to contribute to the education and training of other dowsers. Please see details about the BSD training programme.
  9. The British Society of Dowsers
    The British Society of Dowsers exists to provide a forum for dowsers to meet and exchange ideas and experiences, to support and promote good and responsible dowsing, and to provide information about dowsing and dowsers. The BSD Office is always happy to receive calls from dowsers and from members of the public with dowsing related enquiries. We hope that you will support the Society, participate in our events, contribute to the Journal, and enjoy a long and fruitful membership with us.